Empowering Independence with Assistive Technology
About Our Assistive Technology
Assistive technology can transform lives by enhancing inclusion, independence, and well-being for individuals with disabilities and aging populations. From personalized device evaluations to training and home modifications, we’re here to help you secure the tools and support you need to thrive in education, the workforce, and beyond.

Understanding Assistive Technology (AT)
Assistive technology enables and promotes inclusion and participation, especially of persons with disability and aging populations. The primary purpose of assistive products is to maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and independence, thereby promoting their well-being. They enable people to live healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives, and to participate in education, the general workforce and civic life.
Examples of assistive products include hearing aids, wheelchairs, glasses, prostheses and devices that support memory, communication, among many others.
What We Can Do For You
Evaluate AT needs
Purchase, lease, or acquire AT
Design, fit, or customize a device
Replace equipment
Manage maintenance fees
Technical assistance and training
Our Process
NHIA can help secure the AT products you need. We provide direct 1:1 services to individuals including Assistive Technology Evaluations, Home Modification Evaluations, device acquisition and training.
Step 1 - Request an Evaluation
Our Director of AT will come to you, sit with you to understand your needs and talk through scenarios and solutions.
Step 2 - Review Your Assessment
We draft an assessment to recap the evaluation and include our recommended technology solutions and/or home modifications for your review.
Step 3 - Approve the Recommendations
When you are satisfied, you approve the Assistive Technology recommendations and we take the next steps to getting everything purchased. We will work with both the family and Support Coordinator to assist in approving evaluations and device purchase.
Step 4 - Schedule Training, Set Up or Installation
We also provide in-home training and set up, on location for those individuals who are providing support, whether that is in your home, at a Day Program or work place setting.
iPads with Proloquo2Go, TouchChat, TD Snap and other AAC applications
Alternative Keyboards
OrCam My Eye 2
Home Automation
Screen reading software
AngelSense, a GPS tracking system
Medical Alert - Health Monitoring system
Camera systems
Keyless entry
Smart Kitchen Equipment
Wheelchair mounts
Computers or Tablets with accessibility features like voice to text for self employment
Vertical Platform lifts
Ceiling track lift systems
Accessible bathrooms
Stair Lifts
Wall and floor padding
Shatterproof window coating

Billy Busch, M.Ed., ATP
Director of Assistive Technology